BENE06 meetings at CARE06


Tuesday, November 14


Introductory Plenary Session (Accelerator Division Meeting Room)

International Scoping and Design Studies (ISS, IDS) and FP7: general context  (V. Palladino)

ISS Physics summary (K.Long)

ISS Detector summary (A. Blondel)


Physics parallel session (M. Mezzetto, A. Donini, Accelerator Division Meeting Room) 

D. Meloni, Cross-sections for neutrinos

WP Discussion on BetaBeams, SuperBeams and Neutrino Factory, no slides available

M. Maltoni, Atmospheric neutrinos in a Megaton class Water Cerenkov

O. Mena,  Physics at T2K, Nova and  future Superbeams

E. Shaposhnikova,  SPS potential with upgraded injectors

Open Discussion on the possible evolutions of the CNGS


Accelerator parallel session (C. Densham, M. Dracos, K. Long, A1 Meeting Room) 

First Tracking Studies of Phase Rotation Using a Scaling FFAG  (A. Kurup)

Linear phase-rotation channel for two signs of muons   (S. Brooks)

The MICE detector system (P. Chimenti)

CFD & design of T2K graphite target  (M. Fitton)

T2K window (M. Rooney)

Ideas on a fluidised bed target (O. Caretta)

Wire shock tests at RAL   (C. Densham)

Collector work in Strasbourg   (F. Osswald)

Collection for SPL Superbeam (A. Cazes)


Wednesday & Thursday November 15/16


Eu Accelerator Neutrino Group (ENG) Plenary Session (Accelerator Meet Room)


Introduction (R. Edgecock, 5’)

Results from the ISS ( S. Brooks for C. Prior )

Plans for the IDS (K. Long)

Status of Beta Beam Design Study (M. Lindroos )

Upgrades of the CERN p complex and recent linac developments  ( M. Vretenar)

Solid target studies (C. Densham)

The MICE experiment (A. Blondel)

Status of the EMMA project (R. Edgecock)


Meeting on the Nufact& Superbeam FP7 Design Study Proposal

Introduced by R. Edgecock and M. Dracos


One highlight talks of BENE interest was then given to CARE on Thursday afternoon

International Scoping Study on Neutrino Factory and Superbeam (A. Blondel)


followed on Friday morning by the 

BENE summary talk (V. Palladino)