Agenda of the BENE IDS/FP7 Day at CERN July 4 and 5
Bdg 40-5-A01  
NB remote VRVS connection possible via the conference room  STORM 
Open meeting of the BENE Steering Group
to discuss EU contributions to neutrino R&D (IDS/FP7)  
progress & plans for their definition 
since last BENE meeting
Tue Jul 4
Joint session: general introduction time discussion
14.00 Motivation of this meeting (V. Palladino) 0.05 0.05
14.05 The FP7 context and ESGARD's coordination (R. Aleksan) 0.20 0.05
14.25 BENE general plans for the IDS and FP7 (R. Edgecock) 0.15 0.05
NB Rob will cover both subjects as R. Aleksan will not be available
14.45 Discussion 0.10
Parallel sessions: Accelerator Sector and Detector sector
The Accelerator agenda is below
The detector agenda will be part of a simultaneous joint BENE/ISS session. 
14.55 Initiative in the Proton driver sector (C. Cavata/M. Zito) 0.25 0.05
15.25 Status in the Betabeam sector (M. Lindroos) 0.40 0.05
Initiative in the Betabeam sector (M. Lindroos)
NB Anticipated on request of the betabeam team 
16.10 Break 0.20
16.30 Initiative in the Target sector (R. Bennett) 0.25 0.05
17.00 Initiative in the Collection sector (M. Dracos) 0.25 0.05
17.30 Initiative in the Muon Front End sector (c/o K. Long) 0.25 0.05
18.00 Initiative in the Muon Back End sector (F. Meot) 0.25 0.05
18.30 Adjourn    
Wed Jul 5
Joint session: present preliminary conclusions  time discussion
Summaries from parallel meetings and open discussion 
9.00 Accelerator  R&D:  (R. Garoby) 0.30
9.30 Discussion on EU accelerator contributions to the IDS 0.30
10.00 Detector R&D: (P. Soler) 0.30
10.30 Discussion on EU detector contributions to the IDS 0.30
11.00 General discussion until useful, adjourn