Agenda of the BENE IDS/FP7 Day at RAL on Fri April 28
Pickavance Lecture Theater
Morning : general introduction time discussion
9.00 Status & prospect of the ISS, towards the IDS (P. Dornan) 0.15 0.05
9.20 An update on ESFRI (J. Wood)  0.20 0.05
9.45 General outlook in EU & FP7 programs: I3, DS, CNI  (R. Edgecock) 0.25 0.05
10.15 US contributions to the IDS (A. Bross) 0.20 0.05
10.40 Break 0.20
11.00 Japan contribution to the IDS (speaker tbc) 0.20 0.05
11.25 Indian & other contributions to the IDS (N. Mondal) 0.20 0.05
11.50 General Discussion until lunch
Afternoon : EU contributions to the IDS
13.30 Initiative in the Proton driver sector (C. Cavata) 0.10
13.40 Initiative in the Target sector (R. Bennett) 0.10
13.50 Initiative in the Collection sector (M. Dracos) 0.10
14.00 Initiative in the Muon Front End sector (K. Long) 0.10
14.10 Initiative in the Muon Back End sector (F. Meot) 0.10
14.20 Initiative in the Betabeam sector (M. Lindroos) 0.20
14.40 General Discussion on EU accelerator contributions to the IDS 0.30
14.40                    (introduced & chaired by R. Garoby)
15.10 Break 0.20
15.30 Initiative in the Physics studies sector (canceled)) 0.20
15.50 Initiative in the Neutrino detector sector  0.50
15.50 Water Cherenkov (speaker tbc) 0.10
16.40 Magnetized detectors (A. Cervera) 0.10
16.50 Liquid Argon (A. Badertscher, tbc) 0.10
17.00 ECC (L.S. Esposito) 0.10
17.10 Near detectors and instrumentation (P. Soler, tbc) 0.10
Final Discussion & Adjourn